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When Discontentment Settles In?

Contentment. What is it that we picture? Do we picture sitting out on the beach, being home with our family and friends,  getting married or  living out our dreams  and expectations  for life? We tie our contentment to so many different things. Most of the time we think about our contentment  in connection to a  feeling or circumstance.  But w hat happens when our expectations are not being met ? W hen life is not turning out t he way  we expected? We   so easily start t o  allow discontentment  to fill our  hearts and lives.   Discontentment is so easy to let slip into our  everyday  lives  and control our thinking and direct us to ungrateful spirits and out of control thinking .  We start to ask the question. If this would happen then I would be happy? Or if I had this then I would be happy.    How do we  recognize discontentment in our lives?    1) Watch out for a complaining spirit. It is very easy for us to complain and grumble about our circumstances. We must always be on alert a

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