Humble Service

August Update 

I can hardly believe that we have already been here for a month. Time has definitely been flying by. I am really starting to feel settled into my new home and into my new role as an Intern. The past month has been filled with a lot of learning my shifts and responsibilities.

It has been challenging as I am learning so many new things in this role, the Lord is also showing me a lot about myself and revealing areas I need to surrender to him and grow. God has been so gracious in giving me the strength each new day to be his vessel in this ministry He has me in. It has been amazing to see God work mightily in the hearts and lives of those around me and in my heart, as well.

One of the things God has been showing me constantly and teaching me each day is humility. He has put me in so many situations where I need to humble myself. Sometimes working with so many broken hearted people, it is very easy to forget my goal of pointing to Christ and glorifying Him. It can so easily become wanting to have it all together and know the right things to say and the right way to act. But the Lord is constantly teaching me here. It is okay to be struggling and not know all the answers. As Paul accounts in 2 Corinthians 12:9 “But he said to me my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness, therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”

God is showing me that in my weakness, He is working. That I don’t have to have all the answers or it all together, but rather that His grace is all I need. I want my life and ministry here to reflect a life that is weak and broken, that God is using to point to Himself. This month has been filled with hard moments, moments of doubt and fear, but the Lord is faithful in showing me His loving kindness. He is constantly putting me in places where I need to examine my heart and ask myself am I living for myself or am I living fulfilled in the grace of God, serving in humility.

I am so thankful for this past month, through all the hard moments and the trials. He has been faithful and He has put amazing people in my life who constantly keep pointing me back to Christ and his word. I am excited to see the Lord continue to work through my ministry at Vision of Hope.

Colossians 3:12
“Therefore as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”


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