Joy Amidst the Chaos

September 2019 Update

 During the last couple of months here at Vision of hope and even in recent weeks, the Lord in his sovereignty has allowed some trials and suffering into my life. The Temptations for me is to want to complain and to question. I want to look inwardly to gain perspective. My desire is for control of the situation and grasping for some clarity about what I am going through, to try and gain some understanding and explanation for why God would allow me to walk through this. I am tempted to question God’s goodness. How can a good God allow this into my life? I do not understand the big picture and I desire to have comfort, security, stability and happiness. When God allows trials into my life and I have to walk through dark and hard times and what I desire seems to be threatened, what do I turn too?

For me this has been a question at the forefront of my mind this week. What am I going to turn to? Amidst the chaos of confusion and overwhelming emotions I am tempted to give up? But God. Those are two of the most powerful words that the Lord has been reminding my of in this season of suffering. When I want to turn to other things, when I want to give up, when I am confused and broken. But God, he draws me closer to himself and reminds me of his promises and the truth found in his word. Their have been days where I wasn’t even sure what to pray, how to make sense of what I was experiencing. But God spoke into my suffering, he whispers into our hearts, reminding us of who holds the whole our life, gives us all things and sustains me through what I walk through.

Through the suffering I have been able to see with new eyes as the Lord has been giving me perspective on how he wants to use what I am going through for good. This doesn’t mean the situations make sense. Sometimes we can’t make sense of suffering, however we must continually place our trust in the Lord even when it doesn’t seem to make sense. Throughout scripture we can see the faithfulness of our loving God, giving us hope to cling to when we walk through seasons of suffering.

This is the Hope we must cling to. God is infinite in wisdom, abounding in love and overflowing with grace. He reaches out for us when we are experiencing hardships. God gives us clarity, we know he works all things out for good. Our conformity to Christ and his glory. Romans 8:28. He points us to truth in the midst of our confusion, we do not need to understand we need to trust. Proverbs 3:5-6. He desires to give us peace that passes all understanding when we turn to him in thanksgiving and praise trusting in his character and will above our own. Philippians 4:6-8. He abundantly supplies us with the grace we need for each day. To not only go through the suffering but to walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel. To testify to his goodness and faithfulness to those around us.

I do not understand, I easily grow weary and am swept away by my emotions, but as I a turning to the Lord and renewing my mind in the hope found in Christ. God is drawing me closer to his heart and speaking into my suffering the unchanging truths that bring me to place of worship and reverence for my saviour who has done exceedingly more. This is why in the midst of suffering I can have joy because God has made it well with my soul.

 When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
 It is well, it is well, with my soul


  1. Loved ready your self evaluation and thoughts on how you feel and your devoted faith in God. He will only give you what He knows you can handle, it is His plan to teach and guide you throughout your life.


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