Hope for the Hurting

September Update

This past month has been a whirlwind. It is hard to believe that we have already been here for almost three full months. It feels like we just got here and were in training. The past few weeks have been great. I feel very blessed to be here and be learning so much. There has been so much going on in the house. The first thing is we moved Reclaimed Hope, our thrift store, where the profits go to help Vision of Hope to the New faith North Community Centre. Secondly we are preparing for our fall benefit coming up October 19th. This is an event that Vision of Hope runs to fund raise for the ministry. This year we are celebrating 10 years of God’s faithfulness to Vision of Hope.

I have been very thankful to be here and be learning so much. One of my favourite experiences I have had so far is sitting in on counselling sessions. I have been able to do this here at Vision of Hope but also serve at the counselling centre at Faith church. I have two residents that I sit in with on a weekly basis. It has been amazing to see how God has used his people in the lives of these young women, bringing his word to speak into there situations. It can be so tempting when you hear different situations these young women go through to ask the question why? Why would God allow such suffering into the lives of such young women? What is he doing? How can we show them the hope that Christ brings and the hope in his word?

God has been showing me more and more the power and hope found in his word. Some of the situations people face do seem hopeless and there is so much sorrow and fear attached with it. When feelings overwhelm  and darkness seems to be all around. It is not easy to see God and his truth in the midst of it all. But woven throughout the whole narrative of the Bible is the message of God’s love. His plan of redemption, restoration and adoption. His characteristics that are beyond our understanding. God has given us much to hope in as believers. Sin causes our lives and our world to be filled with hardship and troubles. John 16:33 says “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus tells us that we will have trouble in this world. But we can have hope, why? Because Jesus has over come the world. Jesus came to the earth and overcame death itself, because of his great love. This gives us the greatest Joy and Hope.

So what Hope is there and how do we offer this hope to people whom seem to be suffering so much in this life? We present them with truth. The truth found in his word truth about the message of the gospel, the hope that comes through the salvation that comes from Jesus Christ and his death and Resurrection. Secondly the Love of God, to display the love of God.

Psalms 136:2
“Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever.”


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