Iron sharpens Iron

December Update

The month of December flew by as we are all busy getting ready for the holidays. I was so thankful the Lord provided for me to be able to fly home and visit with my family. I was reminded of the Lords faithfulness over the course of my trip. Through the means to get me home, through the people he placed in my path to share the Gospel with in the airport and the family and friends at home who love and support me always. Time at home was very refreshing and I was thankful that I could spend time with them loving them and fellowshipping over the holidays. One thing I was reminded of was
God’s faithfulness in the friendships he places in our lives.

When I left to move to Indiana, I had no idea what I was getting into. I knew it was going to be hard and I knew the Lord would use this experience to grow me in many ways. I don’t think I realized how many ways. But I did have to leave many friends at home that are so dear to my heart. It was very bittersweet, stepping in a new direction that was exciting and new but hard to leave the women around me that had come to mean so much to me over the last several years. I am very thankful for the blessing of technology and the fact that I can keep in touch with all of my dearest friends.

When I was home although it was short, I was surrounded with love and encouragement from so many women in my church. It is a true blessing to have such Christ-centered. Friendships are something the Lord has intended to help us in our growth and conformity to Christ. The women he has placed in my life are Godly women who display the love and work of the Lord in everything that they do. They are true examples to follow after. They reflect the character of Christ in their ministry, in their relationships and in their lives.
Their willingness to come alongside me and encourage me in my walk with the Lord and even confront me at times shows their love for me and for ultimately the Lord. I am blessed to have many friends like this. So, as I reflect on this past month and my visit home with family. The one thing the Lord was consistently showing me is gratitude for the people he has placed in my life and trusting in his faithfulness as I walk through life. One of the great ways he shows his faithfulness is the people he has placed in my life who point me to my Savior.

Proverbs 27:17
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”


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