With me in the Disappointments

November Update 2019 
I am about a month and a half away from finishing my internship at Vision of Hope. I can hardly believe at how fast the time has gone. The house is busy getting ready for thanksgiving. Which I have to keep reminding myself is in November in States, while I am already listening to Christmas music. I have been both excited that I am returning home so soon and also sad that I will be leaving a job that I love and these girls who have taught me so much and have ministered to my heart more than I could have imagined.
Through the bittersweet moments, I am trying to remain thankful for all the opportunities I have knowing that it is coming to an end soon.  What an amazing year! I could spend so much time talking about the ways the Lord has been faithful. As I am preparing to come home, I am excited for all the new things I will experience. I have officially finished my counseling exams and I will Lord willing be starting my counseling in January when I am home. I will also be looking for a job, we shall see where the Lord leads with that. 
Through this last month I have been learning as the Lord has been teaching me about taking my disappointments to him. No matter where it seems we are in life, everybody has expectations, things that want to see done or do, hopes, dreams and desires. What happens when those aren't meet? If you are like me, which I suspect we all are like this, it can be easy to focus so much of our energy on our unmet expectations and unfulfilled longings. 
As I have been reflecting on these things a sweet staff member here reminded me of something. She mentioned “Where is God in all of this?” As I thought about this question, I realized I had not considered asking myself that. I had been so consumed with my own feelings, my own disappointments I had not stopped to ask myself “where is God in the midst of my disappointment.” 
When I stopped, thought about this and asked myself this, I had to confront my feelings with truth. Although I may not understand God’s plan in my disappointment. God who loves me more than I can ever understand, has placed me in this moment and situation today. He wants to use it and everything I am going through to draw me closer to himself. Where is God? 
1) God goes before me; he knows what I need before I do. He can see although I cannot what is going to draw me closer to himself and grow and challenge me to be more like Christ. Deuteronomy 31:8 “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” 
2) God walks beside me in the hurt. God promises he will never leave us nor forsaken us. This is a truth that we can and must cling to. We do not have a far-off God who is watching from a distance but one that walks with us all the time. We can fully depend on him. This is one of the most comforting truths in all of scripture to know that the God of the universe, walks beside me and has given me the grace to walk through today and what he has for me today. All for his Glory and my good. 
I am thankful that the Lord has been teaching me this even in the midst of hard things I can look to the cross and find hope and comfort. 
Hebrews 4:16 
Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” 
I have added a link to one of the songs that has really encouraged my heart this last month. 


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