Reflections on God’s Faithfulness

December 2019 Update 

I remember walking onto the plane as I was heading to this internship at Vision of Hope not really knowing what to expect. The Lord was asking me to move away from my family, friends, church family and move outside of my comfort zone into a place of trust and reliance on him as I was moving towards the unknown. Terrified I remember knowing I had to take steps of faith into what the Lord was calling me too. 

Looking back on the last 18 months I can see God’s hand and plan woven through each interaction and experience I have had here. When I first got here my expectations were far different from the reality of the year I come for. I didn’t expect was how instrumentally this year would be in growing me in my personal relationship with the Lord. The Lord had put me in a place where I was constantly being pushed to examine my heart and grow to look more like Christ. 

God sovereignty put me in a place that I needed to be , to see more of himself. This internship was hard and there were moments I wondered how I was going to keep on going. But in those moments the Lord reminded me of who he is. There were many times over the last 18 months that I was struggling to see God’s goodness, that I was personally going through some really hard times. But God calls us to draw close to him and find our comfort. 

This growth at times was very hard. The Lord constantly uses hard things to point us to himself and this was definitely true of this last 18 months. Through every conversation with the girls here, through the tears, the heartbreak, the suffering they had been through. Through the laughter, the moments of silliness. All of these things pointed me more to who our saviour was. The only one who could truly provide hope and comfort. 

It is amazing how our God has purposes that are far beyond what we plan for ourselves. I had come to the internship terrified thinking I would come learn more about counselling and help the girls here. But all along he was using them to help me. They pushed me to know my saviour more, to grow in humility, thanksgiving. They helped me learn how to deny myself and follow the Lord. This was God’s good and perfect plan. 

As my 18 months is wrapping up and I am heading home, I am filled with gratitude for this opportunity, for the girls that came across my path, the staff and other interns who pushed me to the Lord and most of all I am thankful to the Lord for his constant presence and faithfulness as he guided me through the unknown. 

I am sad to be leaving these precious girls and this job I have fallen in love with. But I know I can trust God as I take steps of faith into the unknown.   


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